My Local Hack Day 2021 Experience | Major Hacking League | Guild: Inaxia

Nishant Mishra
2 min readJan 16, 2021


Hey there! Welcome to the blog and so here I am attending another awesome event organized byMajor League Hacking Hackathon.

It’s a great experience with all the tech enthusiasts, we come together every day and divide some amazing tasks among us and try to finish all of them with our full energy.

I had a lot of fun attending the live stream with Ryan, Mary, Sashrika, and some cool people of MLH. I really like how they guide us in every challenge they give as well as entertain us throughout the week of LHD.

Every day I get to know some new skills and technologies and it really helps me build my profile.

I was the Guild leader of the guild Inaxia. It was so fun leading a team having with so many enthusiastic team members.

This is the first time Inaxia is participating in Local Hack Day and I really love the atmosphere of this community. Really love to work with this amazing team. Not only that, we became good friends in less than a week. We share our stories along with our meals. I was an introvert before this hackathon, but now I think I can talk to different people around the world.

All thanks to Inaxia Community and Local Hack Day for organizing such an amazing event where people connect with each other and become part of a family.

Honestly, I love our Inaxia community a lot and would love to be a part of it for years to come and make it big and impactful.

At last, I hope that our Inaxia can make it to the top Guilds altough the top teams are way ahead of us. No issues as this were our first time, but next year we will come with more energy and try to get every single point for our Guild as well as for ourselves.

