Addressing GraphQL’s Limitations with Tailcall
Even while GraphQL is a fantastic tool for precisely requesting what you need from the internet, maintaining organisation and functionality may occasionally make it feel like a large, disorganised playground. You may realise that some things are not as simple as they once were as your playground grows larger and more intricate.
Similary when there is a need of combining multiple APIs to create a new API or a new functionality, it’s called API Orchestration.
Challenges in API Orchestration using GraphQL

In the realm of API orchestration via graphQL, managing numerous APIs presents a significant challenge. As the number of microservices and data sources increases, ensuring optimal performance becomes essential. This requires a careful approach to performance optimization to maintain fast response times. Equally important is the implementation of effective caching strategies to minimize unnecessary requests and enhance scalability.
Additionally, Enforcing security standards and safeguarding confidential information are also essential duties. The complexity of handling GraphQL integration is highlighted by juggling various demands during the orchestration process, underscoring the necessity of careful planning and execution to successfully navigate these obstacles.
To facilitate navigating these hurdles, a GraphQL solution has been introduced: Tailcall, offering tailored solutions to streamline API orchestration via graphQL tasks.
This is where Tailcall comes in, like a super-helpful friend who knows all the best ways to keep everything running smoothly. In this blog, we’ll explore how Tailcall addresses these limitations and enhances the capabilities of GraphQL.
Introduction to Tailcall
Tailcall serves as a solution to the challenges of API orchestration via graphQL. With its robust Domain-Specific Language (DSL), Tailcall enables developers to fine-tune API orchestration, specifying caching and batching strategies to enhance performance. Tailcall also offers precise governance and access control mechanisms, ensuring that data is accessed and manipulated securely.
Well now that was a bit sophisticated to understand, let’s see an example showing How, What and Where Tailcall jumps in this:
Imagine you’re playing with a big box of Lego blocks. Each block is like a piece of information from different places on the internet. Now, you want to build something cool, but you don’t want to use all the blocks at once. You want to pick and choose the blocks you need for your project.
GraphQL is like a special tool that lets you pick exactly the right blocks (or information) you need to build your project. It’s really good at helping you get only what you want, without any extra stuff. But, as you start adding more and more blocks, it can get a bit tricky to keep everything organized and working together smoothly.

This is where Tailcall comes in. Tailcall is like a super-smart helper who knows exactly how to organize all your Lego blocks (or information) in the best way possible. It can make sure everything works together perfectly, so you can focus on building your cool project without worrying about the messy details.
So, Tailcall helps make GraphQL even better by making it easier to work with lots of information from different places on the internet. It’s like having a magic wand that makes everything work together seamlessly, so you can create amazing things with your Lego blocks!
Key Features of Tailcall
- Entity-Centric Approach: By defining which aspects of an entity should be public or private and enabling the obfuscation of sensitive data, Tailcall enables developers to work around their business entities.
- DSL Support: Tailcall’s Domain-Specific Language (DSL) enables comprehensive API orchestration that goes beyond simple request routing by facilitating complicated tasks quickly and effectively.
- API Orchestration: Tailcall’s DSL makes it possible to specify the desired structure for the API and offers instructions on how to resolve each element inside the entity type. It does away with the necessity for human coding by automating the processes of filling in and resolving details.

In conclusion, Tailcall addresses the limitations of API orchestration via GraphQL by providing developers with powerful tools to optimize performance, caching, and access control. By leveraging Tailcall’s features, developers can enhance the capabilities of their GraphQL APIs and build scalable and secure applications.
In the upcoming article, we will delve into the practical aspects of using Tailcall to embed existing APIs into the GraphQL protocol.